
Monday, February 29, 2016



Taro (Colocasia esculente), which is a major food crop in the South Pacific, is subject to significant losses from pests and diseases. Most South Pacific taro pests have restricted distributions, making effective quarantine critical to their containment and management. Identifying pests already in a country is an ongoing requirement for growers, extension officers and those responsible for trying to gain international market access for the crop. Lack of user-friendly diagnostic tools, however, means that effective quarantine, pest management and pest surveillance are severely hampered.To overcome these problems, TaroPest has been developed as a guide to the pests and diseases of taro in the South Pacific. Its aim is to be a one-stop shop for pests of taro, with keys, fact sheets, photographs and other supporting information.
TaroPest captures all available information pertinent to the identification and management of taro pests and diseases in the South Pacific region. Although
we found that much is known about a small group of the insects and diseases attacking taro,TaroPest also highlights that, for the majority, little or nothing is known about their economic or biological impact, differences in susceptibility between different taro cultivars, and control methods. More research on these topics is needed.

Published by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)
GPO Box 1571, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia Telephone: 61 2 6217 0500

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Resep Kue Bolu Kukus Talas Satoimo

Bahan bahan :
240 gram tepung terigu serbaguna (segitiga biru)
1 sendok teh backing powder double acting
15 gram emulsifier
30 gram susu bubuk (merk apa saja)
1/4 sendok teh garam halus
200 gram pasta talas  satoimo
250  gram gula pasir (ini untuk manis yang sedang, dapat ditambah sesuai selera)
60 gram margarine yg di cairkan /dipanaskan
30 gram susu bubuk
100 ml santan kelapa (contoh kara)
8 butir telur ayam

Alat yang diperlukan :
  1. Mixer
  2. Dandang untuk mengukus talas satoimo dan mengukus adonan
  3. Timbangan digital untuk kue
  4. Cetakan kue loyang bulat dia 30 cm atau segi empat (bentuk sesuai selera)
  5. Panci /wadah untuk membuat adonan
  6. Sendok dan wadah untuk menimbang bahan kue        

Cara pembuatan :
  1. Buat Campuran Pasta talas Satoimo : Kukus talas hingga matang, diamkan hingga dingin, kupas. Timbang sebanyak 200 gram, lalu haluskan (melembutkan) dg menggunakan sendok hingga menjadi pasta kemudian tambahkan 100 ml santan dan 60 margarine cair
  2. Buat adonan : Kocok (mixer) telur, gula pasir , garam dan emulsifier sampai mengembang, kemudian masukan tepung terigu, susu bubuk dan baking powder sambil diayak
  3. Campurkan campuran pasta talas kedalam adonan kemudian aduk (mixer) hingga rata
  4. Olesi loyang dg margarin hingga rata (biar nggak lengket)
  5. Masukan kedalam loyang dan kukus di atas api sedang sampai matang , sekitar 35 menit ( dicek dg ditusuk  lidi korek api)
  6. Untuk toping dapat bervariasi sesuai keinginan ( keju atau cokelat) 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Handbook for Introduction of Food Traceability Systems 
(Guidelines for Food Traceability)

A food traceability system enables to follow the movement of any food product by documentation of each point of food handling. When an incident occurs, the food traceability system could efficiently assist in the recall of the food product(s) in question and assist in the investigation of the cause. Also transmitting and verifying the relevant information would contribute to increasing reliability on the information of the label and so on, and thus enables consumers to purchase food with a sense of security.

Pascal Liu, Divisi Perdagangan dan Pasar, FAO

Banyak produsen dan eksportir yang merasa bahwa pasar bagi produk pertanian yang bersertifikat adalah sangat rumit dan bahwa kesempatan serta persyaratan yang berhubungan dengan program sertifikasi ini tidak semuanya jelas. Selain itu, produsen tidak selalu mengetahui apakah berbagai persyaratan tersebut bersifat wajib (yang ditetapkan dalam peraturan resmi negara pengimpor) atau bersifat sukarela. Sesudah membaca buku petunjuk ini, pembaca diharapkan memiliki pengetahuan mengenai program sertifikasi sukarela, kegunaan program tersebut, perbedaan diantara berbagai program yang ada serta berbagai keuntungan dan pembatasan yang terkait. Guna dapat mengekspor produk mereka, seorang produsen atau eksportir wajib mematuhi berbagai peraturan yang ada di negara pengimpor. Oleh karena itu, pembaca akan dapat menemukan berbagai informasi dalam buku petunjuk ini mengenai peraturan impor utama di Amerika Serikat, Uni Eropa, Jepang dan berbagai negara terpilih di wilayah Asia-Pasifik. Namun, beberapa praktek seperti praktek pertanian dan kegiatan paska-panen tidak akan dibahas dalam buku petunjuk ini.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Phytophthora Spot in Taro ( Leaf Blight)

The cause of this disease is Phytophthora colocasiae, one of the downy mildews, closely allied to late blight of potato.  The fungus produces its spores on the spots,the above-mentioned fuzz consisting of many thousands of conidia or sporangia,as the spores are termed.  The sporangia are blown by the wind or splashed by rain from diseased to healthy leaves,where they germinatein the presence of moisture to reproduce the disease in 3 to 5 days.  There is a close connection between these verity of phytophthora spot and abnormal atmospheric conditions, particularly rainy weather accompanied by high winds which whip the leaves about and scatter the sporangia.  The practice of close interplant-spacing is conducive to the development of leaf spot,due to poor air drainage and maintenance of a high humidity a round the leaves of the taro plant,which permit the sporangia to germinate easily and abundantly.

The disease can be controlled by spraying with 4-4-50 bordeaux as fungicide  at 10- to17-day intervals.   A spreader must be added to the Bordeaux for the waxy surface of the taro leaf is not easily wetted. (1)

Six fungicides were evaluated under greenhouse, laboratory, and dryland field conditions for control of Phytophthora leaf blight of taro incited by P. colocasiae. Five separate criteria were utilized to evaluate these fungicides: fungicidal activity in vitro; and fungicidal activity in vivo under conditions of simulated dew, simulated rainfall, greenhouse, and dryland field environments. In in vitro tests zoospores were killed at the following concentrations: Dithane M-45, 5 ppm; Difolatan, 9 ppm; Polyram, 65 ppm; Tribasic Copper Sulphate, 145 ppm; Benlate, 210 ppm; and Dyrene, 260 ppm. Excellent control was obtained with Difolatan; good control with Dithane M-45 and Polyram; and poor control with Benlate, Tribasic Copper Sulphate, and Dyrene. Results of in vivo tests correlated with those of the in vitro tests. Difolatan, Benlate, and Dyrene were the most phytotoxic while Tribasic Copper Sulphate, Polyram, and Dithane M-45 were the least phytotoxic.(R.R Bergquist 1971)(2)

Intended for readers from Indonesia,...please

Cara membuat larutan 4:4:50 bordeaux :
Untuk membuat 5 liter larutan 4:4:50 bordeaux
Siapkan 400 gr CuSO4 (Tembaga sulfat) dan 400 gr Ca(OH)2 ( Kapur hydrate) 
  • Buat Larutan kapur : 400 gr Ca(OH)2 dalam 1 Liter air dan diaduk hingga terbentuk larutan seperti susu, kemudian buat larutan tembaga sulfat : 400 gr CuSO4 dalam 1 liter air dan aduk beberapa menit hingga terlarut sempurna (larutan berwarna biru).
  • Siapkan ember atau wadah plastik, kemudian diatasnya letakan kain saringan dan ikat dengan karet ban, tuangkan larutan kapur dan tembaga sulfat. Penyaringan diperlukan agar padatan yang belum terlarut tidak menyumbat nossel sprayer.
  • Setelah itu tambahkan air dalam ember hingga total volume menjadi 5 Liter dan aduk rata, larutan fungisida ini siap digunakan.(fungisida ini dibuat pada saat akan digunakan)
Kapur hydrate bisa di buat dari kapur bakar atau kapur mati  yang memiliki kemurnian n % CaO, dan umumnya kemurnian berkisar antara  60-85% CaO
CaO+ 2H2O (excess)==> Ca(OH)(mengendap) + H2O
(Reaksi eksotermis atau melepaskan panas)
untuk mendapatkan 400 gr Ca(OH)2 , 
diperlukan Kapur bakar sebanyak = 400/74 x 56 x (1/n%)= 303 gr x (1 / (n % CaO)), kemudian ambil endapan dan keringkan.
Ref :
  1. DISEASES OF TARO IN HAWAII AND THEIR CONTROL With Notes on Field Production by G. K. PARRIS, Plant Pathologist Honolulu , 1941 
  2. Efficacy of Fungicides for Control ofPhytophthora Leaf Blight of Taro, R. R. BERGQUIST, 1971